About the Journal
Department of Applied Linguistics, Government College University Faisalabad aims at serving the nation by filling the gap of expertise in language related studies in the country, directing its special attention to qualitative improvement in the profession of language teaching/learning through field-specific research. The Department seeks to join hands with the HEC in paving the way towards the common goals of achieving excellence in language related studies/research and embarks upon this enterprise in conjunction with the centers sharing similar aspirations. In order to realize its aims, the Department offers specialized courses at different levels such as BS (Hons) in English Literature & Linguistics, MA English Linguistics & Literature, MPhil in Applied Linguistics and PhD in Linguistics.
The department of Applied Linguistics has launched annual journal called the Pakistan Journal of Language Studies (PJLS). The purpose of this journal is to promote research in the field of Applied Linguistics and provide a forum to the scholars to get their research published in a journal with proper credentials. It is a good addition in the standard publication practices in the social sciences. The journal carries full length research papers from the well-known authors of the globe. Papers received from the authors are sent for blind review before they are published. Following the guidelines laid down by the Higher Education Commission Pakistan, the journal comprises a diverse Editorial Board, Advisory Board and Review Board. Peer and blind reviews are incorporated for publication of papers. It follows the international standard of abstracting and indexing the papers. The interested researchers are invited to submit their full length papers at Register.