English Language Learning Skill at Tertiary Level: The Role of Classroom Environment and Interactive Demonstration
Classroom Environment, Interactive Demonstration, Classroom Management, English Language, Learning SkillsAbstract
This paper attempts to examine the English language learning skills of the students at the tertiary level in terms of the classroom environment and interactive demonstration. These aspects along with other interlinked factors are very important for learning generally and for English language learning specifically. This study has been conducted using a quantitative study design. A cross-sectional survey has been conducted and a well-structured questionnaire has been administered and used as a tool of collection. A proportionate random sampling technique has been opted to select 2230 students from BS programs of the public sector university. A total of 1678 students participated and 552 have not filled out the questionnaire. Statistical analysis including descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and an OLS regression analysis has been employed to predict the English language learning skills to draw results and conclusions. The study findings reveal that teachers' competency, classroom environment, classroom management, interactive demonstration in the classroom, and debate have favorable effects on English language learning skills among university students. The study findings also assert that the role of teachers in the classroom has also been linked with the qualification and experience of teachers to deliver and motivate the students to learn the English language. Likewise, the key findings of the study point out that the classroom environment has also favorable effects on the students' learning English skills.
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