Factors Affecting EFL Teaching Skills at Higher Education Institutions in Pakistan: An Analysis of Teachers’ Perspective
ELT Training, Educational Qualification, Experience, Digital Resources Evaluation, EFL Teaching SkillsAbstract
This paper attempts to examine teachers' perspectives on the factors affecting English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching skills at higher education institutions in Pakistan. A cross-sectional survey has been conducted. The data have been collected from 634 university teachers (private and government). The respondents have been selected using a classified random sampling technique. A questionnaire has been administered based on a pre-planned list of questions. There have been seven predictors and one dependent variable named EFL teaching skills. Data analysis has been done to extract the findings. The key study findings showed that English Language Teaching (ELT) pieces of training and the educational qualifications of teachers have favourable effects on EFL teaching skills in Pakistan. The study asserts that the experience of teaching and usage of digital resources among teachers have a similar nature to the results on the English language teaching skills of the teachers. The crux of the study is that future aspirations and evaluations by students enhanced their English teaching skills. Likewise, the motivation and satisfaction of the teachers also matter for EFL teaching skills at the university level.
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